At the last Maverick Retreat in Vermont at Joe DeSena‘s private farm, our theme was “pushing limits”. Throughout the workshop we had sessions uncovering limiting beliefs in our businesses, relationships, health & vitality and bigger mission.
For the last one, I sent Mavericks out to journal on a final exercise and to bring back a keepsake. I went out too with my own journal. As I wandered around, I found this sign hiding in one of Joe’s barns hiding out in the back of a pick-up truck. Since the farm is used a lot for weddings so this made sense.
I used this as my own memento to bring back by taking a pic along with an auspicious silver rock I found too (you can see it under my doodle.)
I really liked the message so I drew it in my journal several “random” blank pages ahead.
I’ve had so many times that what I draw actually becomes part of a bigger insight when I finally get to that page in my journal. (This is actually one of my creative intuitive journaling techniques I love teaching.)
So last Friday I wanted some unstructured time. I blocked off my day and spent it hiking a small local mountain. I had never been here before so I wasn’t familiar with any of the trails.
On the way up, I stopped at a rock cropping to meditate and start my trek. I took out my journal and made a list of what I was grateful for on one page. I realized that page was actually 1 page away from the “happily ever after” drawing.
Then I continued up to to the mountain to take in a perfect Autumn view at the summit.
On the way back I got “lost” and doubled back. I missed 2 turns but somehow found my way back to the first rock outcropping.
I stopped again to meditate one more time. As I opened my eyes I was inspired to work on something else. I had been listening to Debbie Ford’s work on the topic of Shadows (the parts of ourselves we don’t want to show the world) in the car ride up. And one of the exercises was to write a letter of forgiveness to myself.
A few years back I had written myself a Love letter and mailed it to myself. This was one of the hardest exercises I did — but so powerful for helping me fully love myself.
I didn’t really know what to write or where to start but this letter felt somewhat divinely inspired.
A few excerpts from my note:
“Dear Yanik –
Do you know why direct mail letters start with Dear? It’s because you are dear…dearest one.”
Trust me, I don’t normally talk to myself like that.
“You just saw 2 deer pass your path and here you are starting this releasing and forgiveness exercise at 2:22pm.”
I certainly didn’t plan that. 😉
“Instead of sending you a love letter, I am going to “embed” this note into one of your inspiring doodles.”
“You must realize you have nothing to forgive. Forgiveness means you have been wrong or acting wrong. That cannot be true. You are a perfect embodiment of light and love.”
On a deep level I believed this but still felt like I needed to keep writing to embrace every part of myself. Everything I am and am “not”.
I wrote out all those things that came to me for forgiveness…times I didn’t give 100%, not trusting I’d always be shown the right people, resources and synchronicities in the right timing, ways I’ve compared myself to colleagues and friends who seemed to accomplish more, moments when I thought more money would bring more happiness, and for not knowing before how to love myself like I do now with the practice of yoga and mindfulness, etc. These and more poured out.
Then with my left-hand I concluded with:
“You are the one you are waiting for. You are ready and you are loved & fully supported. Go fly.”
(I learned this non-dominant hand writing technique from Bill Donius. Get his book “Thought Revolution” highly recommended. This process connects you to a deeper, wiser part of yourself.)
Then finally I used Robbe Richman’s Xpill process to lock in my self forgiveness to open up to love, laughter and happily ever after (my sign).
Couldn’t have planned it any better. It all tied in so perfectly together.
We’ve come up with a term from Camp Maverick – “Synchro-Maverick-nicity”
I’d say this qualifies. ✨💚
Now I’ll throw out the same challenge for you. Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself. You might find it silly or difficult, but I promise it’ll be profound and healing.