I’ve been having a lot of deep and interesting conversations about what really happened in 2020 & 2021…here’s what I wrote at the beginning. Interesting to reflect on now. What do you think?
Pandemic Pause = Purposeful Pause
There’s an idea of a sacred pause where you stop and reconnect to your intention.
Collectively we are all experiencing this is the exact same moment… The Universe literally just hit
A pause to truly hear what your heart is whispering…and what the Earth is attempting to tell us. “Business as usual” is no longer an option.
This is a pause to decide if we want to hit on the same movie or change the story.
Could this moment be the catalyst we collectively require to see just how truly interconnected we are and how our institutions are failing us in creating a thriving world.
The “micro” is being reflected in the “macro” of our planet’s health.
This is the Pause to consider what our future can be as a species…to awaken fully…to be in harmony with all of life.
This is the time to listen to the grandmothers and grandfathers of all our nations. The virus is real – but it’s actually the virus of believing in clicking instead of connecting and scrolling instead of sharing stories.
This is a Perfect Pause for each of us to consider our path forward. We are at a choice point. A divine “Y” to uncover our true WHY.
This is the globe’s Cosmic Alarm Clock
- will we hit
snooze or answer it?
Do we even have much more time to sleep in? I don’t think so. As a species, we are like the sleepy teenager (I have 2 ) who have had school cancelled and we might need to push them out of bed to get into action.
And your assistance is needed at these pivotal times – doing what we can with what we have. –
Then we can consider with consciousness what movie we hit PLAY on again…(Don’t worry, I won’t spoil the ending!)