For me, I decided to take this 100-day project challenge (The100dayproject.org) of one creative art piece per day. I’m 10 days into it now – and I picked journal illustrations as my project.
It’s funny, I wasn’t totally sure if I wanted to actually commit 100 days. Wasn’t sure if I could come up with enough of my own ideas for full pages, putting in the time each day while traveling, etc. But I decided at the end of the 100 days (actually I’m doing 108 days because it’s more meaningful to me) I’d have something really interesting regardless. It would be worth it.
Maybe I’ll publish the illustrations maybe I won’t. Not totally sure.
But I can tell I’m really enjoying this process of having a focused block of creative time each day to draw and write. I’ve already seen it carry over into other areas of my life. I feel like it’s opened even more creative capacity in my businesses and what I’m doing.
I’m including a few illustrations here if you want to check them out. Would love your comments and more importantly try the “YES” Experiment:
Write the word “YES” in a journal or calendar on a random page or date ahead.
- Be open to saying “YES” that day.
- Share what happens. #yesexperiment
Even bigger idea is what are you hesitating to saying, “yes” to in your own life?
Update: I’m sharing quite a few via my Instagram account – follow me: www.instagram.com/yaniksilver
Update #2: I finished all 108 days of this challenge and it’s been the most in-flow project I’ve ever created. You can see some more here about how it happened and the end result is the Cosmic Journal! Available here or anywhere you prefer to buy books.