In my journal the other night, I drew this picture of Ganesha, the Hindu deity that is the placer and remover of obstacles.
I think I’ve been in a funk lately.
I guess I can admit it.
I had mistakenly thought I had one big dip I went through several years back when the business nearly collapsed. And when I came out the other side, I thought I was done with these downturns.
Maybe not.
As I’ve really gotten clearer on my highest purpose – to “catalyze the catalysts” – it’s become pretty apparent to me that the marketplace has only “rewarded” me when I put something out with my full heart. It’s not good enough anymore to just deliver significant value – it has to be in complete service to my greatest work or I seem to get lukewarm results.
From an elevated point of view, I can look at each setback as a course correction or a nudge for me to get back onto my true work. That’s the benefit of these obstacles actually.
Several years back, it took going through my biggest reversals in my company and $400,000.00 to originally get that lesson. That was the big enough number I needed to get my attention. Anything else and I wouldn’t have really felt it.
As we hit upon our 10-year anniversary at Maverick, I am totally grateful for having gone through that because it forced me to reevaluate what I was doing. My greatest impact wouldn’t have been from simply running an adventure travel company. That’s when I was forced to see what my biggest WHY really was. And it gave me a way to clear the decks. I wouldn’t have ever come up with the interconnected EcoVerse and our mission of “changing the way business is played.”
This has become the cornerstone for what I was meant to do.
Lately, I’ve been experiencing a few minor “setbacks” again in our businesses (nothing near what happened before) as we continue evolving how to truly fulfill the big idea of “lighting 1,000 suns who can light another 1,000 suns.”
One of our members called me an artist because I’m never satisfied with what we are delivering. And maybe that’s true.
At first, as I was seeing some of these smaller dips, I was really annoyed and even feeling shame. I felt like I’ve been through this…why hadn’t I seen this earlier?
It gets difficult when I look at some of my friends who are “crushing it.” And it’s even harder knowing some of those colleagues learned what they are doing from me. But as I tell my kids, every time you compare, it makes you unhappy. I realize I have everything I already need, and getting caught up in comparing is a losing proposition.
At my core, I do believe wherever we are, we’re in the perfect spot, regardless of what our ego might believe. And my sharing this and teaching it is just another reminder to myself.
Objectively, I am in a much different place now. In fact, I can actually welcome this situation as a way to continue aligning more deeply with my greatest work.
Normally if I feel some sort of lack, I go straight into counting my blessings and writing down what I’m grateful for. But this time I want to truly honor some of these feelings and emotions – to not push anything away but also not to let it get stuck inside me.
In the drawing, I also illustrated the words “Embrace fully” and “Play fully” – this is the idea of fully embracing everything that shows up and actually seeing it as a gift.
That makes the space to receive.
I look at these situations as new ways for me to decide how I do want to react, how to remain centered and fully open to anything life shows me. It’s an opportunity to work through it with a clear sense of gratitude. And to have the appreciation of having another chance at watching the elevated viewpoint of how this situation will ultimately uncover something even greater (even if I don’t totally see it now).
To be in a state of “effortless effort,” truly putting everything I’ve got into what we’re doing in service of the world, like the Global Goals we’ve been aligning with.
If I trust the Universe has even more in store for me than I’ve even expected, then this situation takes on a sense of curiosity. What’s next? What will open up?
So much of this is in our beliefs.
What if we believe we have bad luck or nothing ever works out or that this is part of a bigger downfall? You can guess what happens then.
Our world seems to exactly mirror our deepest held beliefs.
If we have a choice in what to believe, why not believe we’re part of a bigger plan the Universe has in store for us? Believe in Maverick Magic and the term we coined at Camp Maverick; “Synchro-Maverick-nicity.”
And then TRUST that these obstacles are being placed in our path to nudge us toward something even better.
OUTSTANDING post Yanik, good to see you in SD… love ya man! 🙂